Tuesday, 22 January 2008

I ask for what? and I say move on I must.

I have had perhaps the most unproductive 3 weeks that I can ever remember. My mind, my emotions and what has felt like my life have been held hostage by a bunch of arrogant, insensitive and self-seeking politicians. For what?

It is debilitating to be so far away and yet be so concerned about events in Kenya particularly because it is extremely hard to gauge how bad things really are. There are all sorts of news flashes, headlines and such irresponsible discussions on the web that are guaranteed to leave one confused and emotionally drained. And after all this, when I make my can never come too soon phone call to Kenya for a dose of recent update because someone is in a relatively calm area they talk of violence in ‘far-away areas’ and I read very little concern in the content of what they say and the non-reconcilliatory tone of it. Again I ask myself for what?

Now I go further and ask myself, are Kibaki, Michuki & co losing sleep over the mess they have created? Are Raila, Ruto & co losing sleep over where the country could be heading? I doubt it going by the smiles they flash as they come out of their bonding sessions. Again I ask myself for what?
So I ask myself why should I remain captive to individuals who are wining and dining as if it’s business as usual.
Since I have the benefit of being far removed from the situation, I have the luxury of moving on and I have decided to break from my captivity and move on despite the defeatist tone of it.

For myriad reasons move on i ought, must, should and will because my 3 weeks of not moving on have yielded little for my beloved country or me. So move on I will.

I am distressed that democracy has been dealt a big blow in an exercise meant to enhance it.

My heart bleeds for the bereaved and the displaced. On a personal level I can only contribute in whatever way I can to aid those who find themselves captives in a literal sense.

My God grant justice to those who have suffered injustices.

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