Friday, 11 January 2008

Undiplomatic diplomacy!


Kibaki has not disappointed (well he has but from the last sentence of my last post you get the gist) and consequently Kenyans have again been let down. As they desperately tried to focus on getting their lives back to some sort of normality, the politicians are at it again and Kenyans are probably going to pay dearly for their petulance.

I have to say I do not envy the position Raila finds himself in. He is literally caught between a rock and a hard place.

To his core supporters if Raila accepts anything short of a re-run of the presidential elections, he has failed them. I am of the opinion that this is highly likely to materialise.
As I stated earlier I think the best that Raila could have come out with under the circumstances is a coalition government which does not cast Kibaki as victor. However from recent developments it is clear that Kibaki regards himself as rightfully victorious and therefore sees no need to make any significant concessions.


ODM have come some way from their initial position that Kibaki must resign before any talks could commence.

Kibaki in reality has conceded very little if anything. From the beginning he had always talked of a government of national unity. This is not much of a concession since parliamentary numbers would have forced him down this route anyway.


I do not know what ODM offered as a solution to the political stalemate but on the face of it I am inclined to think they wanted to have a real go at resolving the current stalemate through negotiations.

Kibaki on his part clearly never thought much of such diplomacy evidenced by:

  • Stating there was no need for an international mediator from the word go
  • Naming cabinet (albeit half) just before talks
  • Attempting to poach ODM MP’s

As I observed earlier Raila had very little to offer in order to act as a catalyst to the diplomatic efforts; it was all down to Kibaki and from his actions above it is clear he wasn’t that interested.

Who's fooling who?

As details emerge of the shenanigans that were the negotiations aimed at resolving the worst crisis to face our nation in recent times someone is playing silly games and it's time everyone started to act like they have a grasp of the gravity of the situation.

Either Kibaki & Co knew of the infamous document and it's content or they didn't; and it follows that either ODM or PNU is playing games.

It's time all involved start acting their age and stopped holding millions of Kenyans at ransom.

What now?

In Kibaki's Kenya it seems anything is possible. The politicians are busy pursuing power whilst Kenyans continue to sufffer.

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